25 mai 1895

Sigmund Freud skriver til sin venn Wilhelm Fliess i Berlin (her gjengitt i engelsk oversettelse -- originalen er på tysk):

"I felt like shouting when I got your news. If you have really solved the problem of conception, just make up your mind immediately which kind of marble is most likely to meet with your approval. For me you are few months too late, but perhaps it can be used next year.

Breuer, in contrast, is not recognizable. One cannot help but like him again without any reservations. He has accepted the whole of your nose (theory) and is promoting an enormous reputation for you in Vienna, just as he has become fully converted to my theory of sexuality. He is indeed an entirely different fellow from the one we were accustomed to.

Now, to my ideas about the nose. I discharged exceedingly ample amounts of pus and all the while felt splendid; now the secretion has dried up and I am still feeling very well. I propose the following to you: it is neither the congestion nor the flow of pus that determines the distant symptoms. ... Emma E. is finally doing very well and I have succeded in once more alleviating her weakness in walking, which also set in again."


Freud, S., et al. (1985). The complete letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 1887-1904. Cambridge, Mass, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.


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