Sigmund Freud skriver opprømt til sin venn og kollega Wilhelm Fliess i Berlin, som han ønsker å oppkalle sitt neste barn etter dersom det blir en gutt (her gjengitt i engelsk oversettelse -- originalen er på tysk):
"Now listen to this. During an industrious night last week, when I was suffering from that degree of pain which brings about the optimal degree of pain for my mental activities, the barriers suddenly lifted, the veils dropped, and everything became transparent--from the details of the neuroses to the determinants of consciousness. Everything seemed to fall into place, the cogs meshed, I had the impression that the thing now really was a machine that shortly would function on its own.
You will not have any objection to my calling my next son Wilhelm! If he turns out to be a girl, she will be called Anna. "
Freud, S., et al. (1985). The complete letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess : 1887-1904. Cambridge, Mass, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
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